Sunday 8 April 2018


              I dont know,whats bothering me to share with you about 'STUDY',maybe it's because i just finished my final exam Sem 1. Different people have different meaning the word of study to themselves.Most of the time,people want to study just because of their upcoming exam,especially during the study week,you can see almost all the students really appreciate that week with doing some revision,or try to understand any hard topics until some of them were not sleeping just because they were afraid not able to cover all the topics before the exam.

               And some of them,study is like a 'hobby' which they have to study like almost everyday eventhough the exam still long way to go.It's like the study is one of their life cycle for everyday and they will feel something not right if they didnt study on that day.Beside that,they also study just because they feel very insecure with their friends who study harder.

            Well actually there are many reasons that make people want to study like responsibility as a student,other than that they want to show that they are the best of the best so people will look up on them and bla..bla2...

            But to me,i like to study because i really love the thing that im studying right now.It's like you love someone that you liked alot.When you love her ,you will try hard to approach her,learn more about her and want look at her everyday.Yeaahh, i know that it's different love with people and with 'thing'.But believe me,you will feel very happy if you study about the thing that you love.




Sunday 2 July 2017

My life in Asis.....

  Well,hallo there.Assalamualaikum :-) .Kali tibe2 nk berbahasa Melayu pulak,hahahah.Sekolah pun dh start dh untuk thn baru ni,tapi apakan daya aku dh habis dh sekolah,hahahaha B-) .Okay sebenarnya aku nk share dgn korang tentang pengalaaman aku bersekolah selama 11 thn termasuk sekolah rendah dgn sekolah menengah.Tapi tk de la nk cerita dari A ke Z.Aku just nk share dgn korang pengalaman paling best aku bersekolah dekat ASiS ataupun Alam Shah Science School.Tapi kalau nama melayu pulak SM Sains Alam Shah.Sekolah ni form 4 dgn form 5 jer,tapi start 2016 dh ade form 1 pulak. Sekolah ni SBP ,tapi tk terkenal la mcm sekolah elite yg lain mcm SAS,MCKK,TKC hah tu org mmg kenal la.
    Kalau korang nk tahu,sebelum aku masuk sekolah tu,aku tk pernah tahupun sekolah tu wujud kat KL(eventhough aku duk KL)h.Aku tahu pun sbb cousin aku dpt masuk situ.Tapi cousin aku ckp sekolah tu mmg dh lame zaman 60-an lagi.So aku dh bayangkan bangunan mesti ade stail2 british,tapi indah khabar dari rupe.Masa hari first sampai sekolah tu,aku tertanya2 ,'Ni ker sekolah aku nanti selama 2 tahun kat sini'??.Ya Allah bangunan mmg mcm langit dgn bumi ape yg aku bayangkan,mmg buruk la aku ckp.Cat warna bangunan mcm tk ceria,dewan pun lame,tingkap kat setiap bangunan pun maintain lagi lama,dorm lagi la,tgk pintu pun dh nmpk lame inikan dlm dorm.Tapi mase daftar tu,nk daftar rumah sukan senior bukan main lagi buat cheers.Mmg meriah ah.Aku dpt masuk rumah merah or Rumah Laksamana.Ada empat rumah sebenarnye,Bendahara,Syahbandar,Laksamana,and Temenggung.Tapi ape yg best nyer baju rumah setiap thn bertukar,sbb ikut budk setiap batch design.Mase daftar rumah tu la ,kau ditentukan masuk dorm mane,aku dpt dorm 1B5.Dorm ni mmg hujung blok B la,tapi dekat nk gi kelas,and dekat dgn dm(dewan makan)cuma jauh nk ke surau.Tu yg kadang2 sodorm(solat dlm dorm),heheheh jgn buat tau:-) .

Tapi alhamdulillah dorm yg lantainyer dh baru sikit.Senior pun okay la,tk de la teruk sgt.Kat sini kau jgn risau la,mmg tk de ragging ,bully,kes pukul semua.Warden mcm mana pulak?jgn risau warden kat sini okay jer,cuma igt pesan aku,jgn buat masalah sbb nnti kene target mmg hidup kau tk tenang la,asyik nama kene sebut jer kalau ade roll call.

Belajar mcm mana pulak?.Well time aku dulu ade 11 kelas,and mase aku form 4 aku kelas 4Dinamik.Kelas tu mmg best ah,and banyak org pandai dlm tu so bleh rujuk la kalau tk faham.Tapi ,sejak form 1 masuk,diorang kurangkan kelas kepada 4 kelas tk silap.Tapi tk tahu kelas ape,hahahha.Time aku form 5 lak,aku masuk kelas 5 Jaya or Jays.Kalau korang nk tahu kelas ni kelas elite mase time aku dulu which means budk top 30 pat(end year exam) masuk kelas tu(bukan nk riak).Pergh,mmg aku ckp la diorang mmg pandai ,smpai aku rasa aku ni tk cukup pandai berbanding dgn diorang.Tapi advantage dier ,kalau korang tk faham,korang bleh mintak tolong diorang ajar,diorang okay jer.Tapi nk masuk kelas elite ni bukan senang,mmg nk kene strive habis-habisan mase pat tu ,jgn banyak main.Kalau nk tahu dlm kelas elite tu banyak budk classmate aku dulu mase 4 Dinamik,hahahhah,so dh biase dh dgn diorang.Yg lain tu bleh buat new friends.Tapi every year kelas elite tk sama,tgk result pat batch tu la,kalau okay banyak la ,kalau tk okay ,satu jer la.Tapi time aku, ade satu jer sbb result  pat batch teruk.And yg best sekali dpt pegi kolab laa.Time tu la kite bleh cuci mata budk perempuan sekolah lain,yer la asis kan tkde student perempuan,hahahha😂.Study kat sini korang jgn risau,cikgu ade jer nk tolong korang kalau ade problem dgn study,cuma korang kene rajin la jumpe dgn cikgu semua.And one more thing,cikgu kat asis ni mmg rajin giler2 buat extra class,lagi2 time nk spm,hahhaha 12 jam korang ade kelas memanjang pagi,petang,mlm.Mase tu lah korang akan rase penat giler smpai nk muntah dh nk pegi kelas,hahahah.

Korang mesti nk tahu jadual mcm mana kan?Kat sini waktu class start pukul 7.30 pagi smpai 1.50 petang pastu solat zohor ,then makan ,pastu 2.30 start prep petang,kalau form 5 lak mmg ade kelas cikgu buat for spm.Prep smpai la 4.30 petang ,pastu solat asar.Lepas solat mkn petang then bleh beriadah.Pastu kene bersiap nk pegi mkn mlm then solat maghrib berjemaah.lepas tu pukul 8 pm bleh gi prep,form 5 lak ade kelas,kecuali hari khamis(tapi nk dekat spm buat gak lepas yasin) ,sbb ade bacaan yassin.Prep smpai 10.30 pm ,then baru isyak berjemaah,pastu ade mkn gak kat dm,then baru la bleh balik dorm and tidor.Light off pukul 11.30 pm.Tu lah perjalanan hidup kau kalau masuk asis.
Tapi dgr citer pengurusan sekarang dh tk same mcm time aku dulu.Sistem jadual,sistem dorm,sistem kelas semua dh lain dh.

Well,just pesanan buat sesiapa yang nk masuk asis.Korang jgn menyesal dgn pilihan korang masuk asis.Just igt jer setiap pilihan kite itu,ade baiknyer dan ade buruknyer,so up to you mcm mana korang melalui perjalanan ini.Tapi jgn risau,ape yg telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan untuk kite,itu adalah yang terbaik untuk kita.Jadi ape yang aku nk igtkan kat korang,please sgt2 belajar betul2.Jgn hampakan harapan ibu bapa korang yg telah bersusah payah hantar korang masuk asis ni.Then,buat baik dgn semua batchmate korang.Jgn susahkan dan buat benda yg bleh buat batchmate korang tk suka dgn korang,(nnti kene bash teroks).Hormat cikgu semua,kerana berkat dari cikgu tu penting kalau nk berjaya.Jaga nama asis baik2,bagi org luar kat sana kenal asis tu ape,one of the best school in Malaysia👍.And satu lagi,korang enjoy la puas2 hidup kat asis tu,sbb ni sekali seumur hidup korang,nnti seress aku ckp,korang akan rindu punyer biler dh besar nnti,hahhaha.

Itu jer pesan aku kat korang.I wish all of you gudluck and enjoy your life in asis😉

Wednesday 30 December 2015

New Blog for My Entire life

             Well,hallo there.Actually before this, I had a blog,but I didn't had much time to keep it  updated since I entered middle school.There is a lot of stories that I wanted to share with you which you can take it as a lesson to make your life become even more better.I dont know how in the world I have that kind of interested to create a new blog.Actually,there's a girl who named A@%& that inspire me to create this blog.She has a blog that tell about her life which I think it is great. I cant tell you about this girl,but she was a student in Seseri.So,then I end up to create this blog.My blog not just filled with my stories but also some informations about everything that exist in this world.Have a great reading!!;)