Sunday 8 April 2018


              I dont know,whats bothering me to share with you about 'STUDY',maybe it's because i just finished my final exam Sem 1. Different people have different meaning the word of study to themselves.Most of the time,people want to study just because of their upcoming exam,especially during the study week,you can see almost all the students really appreciate that week with doing some revision,or try to understand any hard topics until some of them were not sleeping just because they were afraid not able to cover all the topics before the exam.

               And some of them,study is like a 'hobby' which they have to study like almost everyday eventhough the exam still long way to go.It's like the study is one of their life cycle for everyday and they will feel something not right if they didnt study on that day.Beside that,they also study just because they feel very insecure with their friends who study harder.

            Well actually there are many reasons that make people want to study like responsibility as a student,other than that they want to show that they are the best of the best so people will look up on them and bla..bla2...

            But to me,i like to study because i really love the thing that im studying right now.It's like you love someone that you liked alot.When you love her ,you will try hard to approach her,learn more about her and want look at her everyday.Yeaahh, i know that it's different love with people and with 'thing'.But believe me,you will feel very happy if you study about the thing that you love.




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